With you at every touchpoint.


Getting You There

Receive updates and alerts about your flight(s)

Get the best ground transport travel options, fares, and ETA’s to airport

Manage your itinerary in one organized dashboard

Pack smarter using weather, time zone, and currency exchange information

Track all of your customer loyalty and rewards in one place

Take advantage of personalized airport meal and shopping recommendations and special offers

Start a travel journal to organize and share your trip media

During Your Stay

Stay connected with affordable eSim international roaming

Book personalized tours and activities

Get the best ground transport travel options, fares, and ETA’s to lodging

Enjoy restaurant, entertainment, and shopping recommendations and special offers

Check the weather, local time, and currency exchange information

Update your travel journal by adding photos and videos to your travel timeline

Accumulate and manage your customer loyalty and rewards points

Getting You Home

Receive updates and alerts about your connecting and return flight(s)

Get the best ground transport travel options, fares, and ETA’s to airport

View your custom travel report and loyalty points verification

Enjoy and share your trip from your travel journal and timeline

Review your past trips — Breeze automatically saves all of your trips for future reference in one organized dashboard